Signs That You’re Being Emotionally Abused
by Dating Tips
Filed under Unhealthy Relationships
Too many relationships these days fall into the category of being abusive. This doesn’t always have to involve physical harm. There are also such things as emotional and verbal abuse and these are far more common. This sort of abuse doesn’t leave any outer scars. All of the damage is done on the inside. You may be in an emotionally abusive relationship and not realize it. Look over the following signs and see if you fit in with any of them:
- You’ve been isolated from your family and friends: This is a classic sign of an emotionally abusive partner. The first thing they want to do is keep you from interacting with anyone outside of themselves. They don’t want you to be able to tell anyone else what’s being done to you.
- Your partner is verbally abusive to you: Whenever someone calls you terrible names, it’s meant to hurt you and keep you in line. Abusive partners will blame you for being too sensitive and not being able to take a joke. They tend to be able to convince you that this is normal and you’re the one with the problem.
- He blames everyone else for his problems: This is a really bad sign, especially if you’re the main one he or she blames. When they throw tantrums and verbally attack you, they’ll say it’s your fault. A healthy relationship has both parties taking responsibility for things.
- Drug and alcohol use: Not every abuser has to be addicted to something, but it certainly makes things worse. Addicts are typically erratic and display inappropriate behavior that can turn violent.
- Makes you afraid: If you’re afraid of your partner, something is definitely not right. Abusers use fear to intimidate you and if you’re afraid, you’re being abused.
- Metes out punishment for being away from him: This goes hand in hand with isolating you from family and friends. He wants you all to himself. So if you do go somewhere and leave him at home, he’s going to be very irate. He may even act out when he goes along because there were other people there and he had to share you.
- You’re expected to wait on him hand, foot and bedpan: Abusive men feel entitled to be treated like royalty and they expect you to be their submissive servant. They’re not going to help you, ever.
- He’s insanely jealous of you: Jealousy is a prominent trait exhibited by abusers. They’re jealous over other people paying attention to you, over you paying attention to them, and even over your goals and dreams. They don’t feel as if they can control those parts of your life so they go crazy.
- He’s very manipulative and controls you by his emotions: If an abuser doesn’t get his way, he’ll pout, threaten to leave, or wield emotional punishment on you. He’ll also use guilt. If you finally reach the end of your rope, he’ll beg you not to leave, crying and promising to change. His “remorse” doesn’t last very long and as soon as you’ve given in, he’ll return to his abusive ways.
Sadly, these can lead up to eventual physical abuse if you let things continue. The best idea is to get out of this relationship fast and don’t ever look back.
Admitting That You Are In an Abusive Relationship
by Dating Tips
Filed under Unhealthy Relationships
Too many women these days allow themselves to be caught up in very unhealthy relationships. Even though women are more enlightened and well educated than ever before, it doesn’t seem to stop them from becoming involved with men that aren’t any good for them. No one can know for sure whether or not the new man they just met and are starting to get to know is going to turn out to have an abusive personality. However, there are some signs that will appear during the course of a relationship that should trigger alarm bells that you are in an abusive relationship.
Once you know that you’ve got yourself into a mess with an abusive man, it then becomes difficult to admit that you allowed this to happen to yourself. Many women deny it and hide it because they don’t want to be embarrassed at what their friends and family will think of them. This is even more pronounced when the friends and/or family warned them against getting involved with this particular man. They just don’t want to hear the words “I told you so.” While that may seem like a reason to endure your abusive relationship, it’s not a good reason to risk your life. Make no mistake; each day you remain in your abusive relationship is another day that you’re risking your life.
You may already be familiar with the signs of abuse. This man will isolate you from all of your friends and family. He may do it slowly over time or he may do it as soon as you’re married to him, but he WILL do it. He doesn’t want you to have anyone to turn to when he decides to hurt you again. This is something else that’s a bit twisted: he must understand that what he’s doing to you is wrong or he wouldn’t be worried about you telling anyone else. Yet, he’ll blame you each time he hurts you.
There are all sorts of types of abuse in relationships. Of course, there is the physical, which is highly dangerous, but there’s also mental and emotional abuse. In their own way, these can be just as damaging as being hit physically. This type of abuse erodes self-confidence and self-esteem. You start to doubt your every thought after enough of this abuse.
What you need to do next is seek help from someone that can help you escape. If you have managed to get yourself trapped in an abusive relationship and you feel you have nowhere to go and you don’t have access to any money, there are places that will assist you in getting these things. They will help you if you have children, too.
Don’t think for one second that you’re stuck in this situation. All you have to do is admit that you’re in trouble and contact someone that will help. There are even places that will hide and protect you from your spouse if he’s particularly dangerous. Never believe that you’re better off staying than fleeing. If you do, it just may be carved on your gravestone one day.