Win Back Your Love

You may think when a relationship has ended that it’s gone permanently. However, before you start to totally despair, there’s hope that you can get your ex back. Once that happens, your relationship may be stronger than ever. That doesn’t mean that the process will be a simple one, but it CAN be done if the conditions are right.

Now, if you’re actually still in communication with each other, there are 3 things to focus on if there’s still some conflict between you. These are:

1. Focus on emotions rather that the actions that were committed. Try to fix the hurt feelings. Accusations, or even bringing up a past hurtful action, is not the way to go. If you want your ex back, avoid mentioning anyone’s action that caused hurt feelings, even if it’s justified. Stay focused on the things that make your ex feel GOOD about you.

These are the feelings that will ultimately reunite the 2 of you. Remember to acknowledge emotions and not negative behavior. If your ex keeps bringing up those negative actions, attempt to compromise somehow. This may work better if you’re in the right place.

2. Change your environment. You’ve got a better chance of working things out with your ex if you’re in a location where the conflict and arguments never happened between the 2 of you. Therefore, meet your ex at a happy location. This can be somewhere like a favorite park or restaurant. Basically, it can be any place that might bring back happy memories that you shared together. It will keep you BOTH in the right frame of mind to help bond and reconcile.

At times, all the bad things that caused the breakup will keep resurfacing in spite of all the focus on promoting feelings of happiness. That’s why you must focus on positive emotions within a happy location. This offers a good start and will hold back any negative behavior or feelings that you need to avoid.

3. Something important to remember is this: Most of the conflict that happens in relationships are due to things of no real consequence. These come from making mountains out of molehills and then getting out of control. Maybe your ex is feeling unappreciated by you, or maybe there are feelings of being taken for granted. You need to get that opinion changed immediately.

The reasons for the past arguing need to be kept in perspective. Try to be creative in trying to downplay what they really meant. Lighten the mood by using your sense of humor. When moving forward, you’ll need to deal with these issues by not repeating the cause of the problems. Instead, just focus on your ex’s feelings for you when trying to reconcile. Be a good listener and offer help to your ex with his or her needs, dreams or desires.

It may seem difficult to follow these steps but if you’re serious about getting your ex back, these are the best things to do to make it happen.  If getting your ex back is of the utmost importance to you, then you would be well advised to consider using a coaching program to get the best possible chance of winning back your ex.  The M3 System can do just that - click here to read our review of The M3 System.