How to Tell if He’s Mr. Wrong

So much emphasis is made on finding Mr. Right that sometimes it’s hard to see that it’s Mr. Wrong you’re having a drink with. While some of the signs are rather obvious, there are other ones that sort of get bypassed until it’s almost too late. Keep a look out for these signs that he’s Mr. Wrong:

  • He talks about all the strange sex he’s had through the years and then tells you that he’s so happy you live nearby because now the two of you can get together for casual sex. (Seriously?)
  • He mentions during conversation that you look so young, and then quickly follows that with how much he loves young girls. (Should you leave immediately or call the cops?)
  • You’re in bed with an older, European man and having a pretty good time. Suddenly, you realize he’s wearing panties. He might just be kinky or he might be sleazy. (Since it’s hard to tell, you may want to use your intuition.)
  • So you’re out with a guy at a theme park and he wins a huge stuffed animal. You think he should give it to you or to some little kid but he petulantly refuses and carries it around the rest of the day. The stuffed animal has its own seat between you on the plane going home. (What a big baby!)
  • He’s got a low class job that he’s been doing because it’s fun for several years, yet he seems to always have plenty of money. It’s a good chance that he’s doing something shady on the side. (You don’t need to take any chances with this one.)
  • What about the guys that want to control everything you do? For example, he instructs you on the “correct” way to hold your knife and fork while you eat and demands that you start eating “his” way. (Just because he’s from another country doesn’t mean his way is the only way.)
  • On your first date, he takes you to dinner along with his mother. (Sure, a man needs to love his mother, but this feels more like a Mommy’s Boy.)
  • He actually POUTS when he doesn’t get his way. (Do you WANT to be in a relationship with a child?)
  • He makes snide remarks about all of your friends, and he’s not even all that careful about them not hearing him. (He’s already trying to control you by alienating you from your friends. This is sort of scary.)

Some of these are obvious and others aren’t so obvious. That’s why you need to pay close attention in the beginning when you’re dating someone new. If you notice something that seems a bit “off,” don’t assume that it’s nothing and that you’re just overreacting. That’s rarely the case. Keep in mind that when you’re able to spot Mr. Wrong early on, you won’t waste any more time on him when you could be out searching for Mr. Right. Do yourself a favor and don’t let new guys get away with anything that bothers you or makes you unhappy.

Signs That You Should Keep Him

It can be really hard to find the right guy, the one that you want to spend a lot of time with, and possibly even the rest of your life. Things can start out really well and even continue to go well for a long time. But it’s hard to decide if he’ll change into another person once you decide to commit to yourself.

There are some signs you can look for to help you decide if he’s someone you want to keep around. Have a look at these and take note of them:

  • He calls you at least once a day just to say “I miss you” or “I love you.” This is one of the sweetest things that a guy can do for his girl. It shows you that you’re on his mind even when he’s away from you and he wants you to know that.
  • He serves you coffee in bed in the morning, or even a full breakfast. If he’s willing to “wait on you” in this manner, you can tell he really cares about you. It shows you that he doesn’t expect things to be divided up into “his and her chores.”
  • He remembers special occasions like the anniversary of your first date, first kiss, your birthday and other occasions. Best of all, he remembers these days with no prompting from you.
  • You receive “I love you” gifts from him. For no reason other than that he wants to do it, he’ll send you flowers or buy you a special gift.
  • He knows when you need some time to yourself without being told and without whining about it. Instead, he’ll make arrangements to do something on his own with friends so that you can be alone.
  • He plans, shops for, and cooks meals for the two of you. When he’s completed cooking the meal, he serves it to you.
  • Housework doesn’t faze him. He’ll help you with cleaning and will even do the laundry.
  • He treats you as his equal. You’re a partner, not someone that doesn’t matter and who should be subservient to him.
  • The two of you can easily compromise on how you’ll spend your nights or days out. He doesn’t demand you watch sports events or attend them constantly if you don’t like them. However, if you’re going to get him to the ballet with you, be prepared to attend a sports event with him.
  • He never pushes you, but instead, he’ll stand back and respect decisions you make.

Obviously, if you can find a guy with all of these qualities, you may want to lock him in a cage or something to make sure he doesn’t get away. However, if you can find someone with just a few of them, you’re still way ahead of the game. The problem that most people have is when they find a guy like this, there isn’t any chemistry. Thus, lending credence to the myth that nice guys finish last. Keeping in mind that chemistry IS important, if you meet a guy with these qualities, you may want to give the chemistry a chance, too!