Being Gay or Lesbian and Adopting
by Dating Tips
Filed under Gay & Lesbian Issues
Among the many big issues facing gay and lesbian couples today is that of adoption. Many gay couples also want to expand their families by adding a child to it. They have lots of love to share with a child and there seems to be no solid reason why they shouldn’t have the privilege of enjoying children. Years ago, adoption for gay and lesbian couples was next to impossible. However, now it has become much easier for them to bring a child into their families.
With the laws easing up on gays adopting, it isn’t as difficult now to even get an infant. It still seems to be a bit faster to adopt an older child than an infant since everyone wants a newborn. There are also other ways that gay and lesbian couples can go about obtaining a child to add to their families. Some of these routes may even be simpler and faster than going through adoption agencies.
Lesbian couples have a bit of an advantage in that they both have the necessary female reproductive organs. These couples can find a suitable sperm donor and go from there. They can also go to fertility clinics and be artificially inseminated. In this way, they can carry their own children. Sometimes the sperm donor will be a relative of the partner not carrying the baby. In that way, the baby shares blood from both families, just as it would if it were conceived between heterosexual couples.
Obviously, it’s a bit more difficult for gay men to come up with alternative methods for adding a child to their families. After all, they don’t have the “equipment” needed to conceive and carry a child. However, a route that many gay men take to get a child is through the use of a surrogate. The surrogate is usually a good friend of the couple. Sperm can even be donated from one of the men so that there is a blood tie involved.
Gay and lesbian couples tend to make exceptional parents. It could be due to the fact that they had to work so hard to get a child or it just may be that their parental instincts are coming out. For whatever reason, children raised by gay parents are just as well adjusted as kids that come from heterosexual homes. Sometimes, they’re even more adjusted.
Once it became apparent that children weren’t going to be “damaged” by having gay parents and weren’t guaranteed to turn out gay themselves, more adoption agencies were willing to work with gay couples to help them become parents. Something else positive to come out of this is that there are even more children that will be able to have a home with parents that love them and will take care of them because, many times, gay couples are happy to get children of any age. It’s a known fact that as children get older, their chances for being adopted decrease drastically. So, gay couples offer these children much better odds for finally getting a home of their own.
As a Gay Man Are You Just “Settling?”
by Dating Tips
Filed under Gay & Lesbian Issues
When many gay men first decide to come out as who they really are, they’re a bit hesitant about approaching the men that they want to get to know better. Instead, when they go out to have some fun and meet guys that they aren’t all that interested in, they’ll still hook up with them. They feel it’s better to settle for what they can get even if it’s not exactly what they truly want. If this describes you, it needs to stop right now!
Depending on how long you’ve known you are attracted to men, you may or may not have a “type” that you’re more drawn to than others. If you know what you like, don’t just settle for what doesn’t attract you. It’s not fair to you nor is it fair to the guy that’s interested in you. On the other hand, if you have no clue exactly what sort of man you want to be in your life, you’ll have to spend some time with the process of elimination. This doesn’t have to be cruel, either. You just need to put yourself out there where you’re sure to meet other gay men so that you can scope out what’s available to you.
Start by finding an image that represents your “ideal” man. It can be a movie star, a model, or even a porn star. Then grade these images on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of how attractive or hot you find each one. Next, you’re going to choose a private location, such as your bedroom, and tape your final choice of the ideal man for you to a full length mirror. Now, assign a grade to your own attractiveness by using the same 1 to 10 scale. Make the comparison between your reflection and the picture.
This is an exercise that serves as a reality check to help you to keep your desires and expectations in line with the type of man that you can realistically expect to attract. It also works to help you increase your own scores by doing some self-improvement techniques. This includes working on your physical appearance and other presentation areas. As your personal scores improve, so will your self-esteem and give you the confidence to go out and find that perfect man for you.
Now, doesn’t that sound a lot better than just settling for men that really don’t do anything for you? It may not be as immediate as just going out and going home with some guy, but this way can bring about a more permanent relationship into your life. Besides, you need to be the best you can be, anyway, and this is a great way of reaching your full potential.
Just remember that everyone has something to work with. You may not have what it takes to land a celebrity, but then how many guys REALLY have that potential unless they’re in that world? You’ll find who you want in your life and be a lot happier. You can start meeting sincere, single gay men at online dating sites such as All Gay Dating – Click here to meet gay men today!
Gay Dating Online – The Solution for Shy Gay Men
by Dating Tips
Filed under Gay & Lesbian Issues
In spite of what many straight people believe, not all gay men are flaming and gregarious. A lot of them are very shy, which is quite understandable.
Most gay men, even though they may have realized early in life that they were attracted to men, spend so much of their lives hiding who they really are, that it makes them shy. There’s either the fear of completely exiting the closet and telling the world they’re gay, or the fear of being shunned by family and friends once they all find out.
This shyness can be so debilitating that they don’t even try to meet other gay men for the possibility of a relationship. They can be practically antisocial from either that fear or as a reaction to any negativity that they experienced. With such a terrible case of shyness, how will these guys EVER meet the men they’re supposed to be with? There’s actually a really good solution to that dilemma: Go online.
There are numerous ways for gay men to “meet” and interact with each other right on the Internet. This can be done through gay dating sites, chat rooms, and on forums. There is a complete world for gay men on the Internet and you don’t have to worry about putting yourself out there at all. You can simply ease your way into a situation where you’ve got a delicious number of men at your feet and you haven’t had to do anything to make yourself a nervous wreck.
The way to introduce yourself online is by writing a kick-ass profile telling the world of eligible gay men all about you and what sort of man you’re looking for. Make it clear what kind of relationship you want to find. Don’t leave anything out. Your goal is to draw the right sort of men to you. Add a few recent, but great, photos of yourself to go along with your profile. This is the way you let other gay men know that you’re here and available. The best part for shy men is that all of this is done without having to interact with anyone.
Next, you’ll get a flurry of emails from men that have seen your profile. Again, this is something that you don’t HAVE to interact with anyone to read. Only IF you receive an email from a man that sounds promising do you have to do anything about it. When that moment arrives, you simply reply to the email and this can start an email communication. You may need to explain at some point that you’re very shy and need to feel totally comfortable before speaking to him directly.
The next step can be online chatting. This is another area where communication can take place without you feeling threatened in any way. When you and the man you’ve chosen to get to know better have had enough time chatting through instant messenger, you may feel comfortable enough to chat either by webcam or telephone. Whatever method of communication you choose, as long as the man you’re getting acquainted with is understanding, you’ll be meeting face to face before you know it.
Being the Other Man In a Gay Relationship
by Dating Tips
Filed under Gay & Lesbian Issues
Gay men often face the dilemma of being the other man in relationships. This is more than just cheating on a partner, although it can be that as well. The kind of other man that can really turn into a painful situation is that of being in love with a gay man that’s still fully in the closet and married to a woman.
As incredible as it may be, this is something that still happens much more than it should. Typically, it begins with meeting the man of your dreams in a gay environment, such as a bar, and spending the evening dancing, drinking and talking together. By the end of the evening, he asks for your phone number and you hand it over.
If you ask for his, he’ll probably make up some excuse for not giving it to you. It may sound totally plausible, so it will allay any doubts that you may have initially. This is the first signal that you should NOT ignore. He doesn’t want you calling him in case his wife answers or tends to check his cell phone often.
The next thing that may happen is that when he does call you, it’s not to make a date in the future. He wants you to meet him somewhere right then. The location is probably going to be well out of your local area. He may give you some story about how amazing this restaurant is or something that makes sense to you. Dinner goes pretty well even though it may seem that he keeps glancing around frequently as if he’s watching for someone. This is a sign that he’s nervous that someone will see him with you.
Following dinner, he may be in a hurry to exit the restaurant, but at the same time, he’s a bit amorous. You start to think that he’ll want to go home with you or may even invite you to his place. That doesn’t happen, though. Instead, he suggests a nearby hotel, or worse, he tries to take you parking. This should be setting off all sorts of alarm bells for you.
Hopefully, you’ll question these things before you fall too deeply in love with him. If not, it will only be a matter of time before you find out his true situation in life. When you’re involved romantically with a married man, there are some hard decisions ahead of you unless you can help him become brave enough to open that closet door and step bravely into the light.
If he’s too afraid to give up all the things in his public life, it’s going to be a difficult road for you. He probably DOES love you as much as he says he does, but he lacks the courage to be himself. Unless he has children with his wife, there may be a chance that you can help him to come out. If he does have children, you’ll probably be asked to wait until they graduate from college because he can’t possibly leave until then. Can you deal with being mostly alone until then? It’s a hard choice only you can make.
There are a lot of sincere, commitment-oriented gay singles you can meet online. We recommend that you check out All Gay Dating to meet gay singles today.