When Should You Go Away With Someone for the First Time?

Timing is important in relationships. You need to figure out when you should kiss for the first time, when to cook dinner for the two of you the first time, and, of course, when you should have sex for the first time. These are things that need to be assessed because doing them too fast can ruin a good thing before it even gets off the ground.

It can also be disastrous if you wait too long as well. This can cause doubt in the person that you’re dating as to how you really feel about them. Even though you may have done all of the other things, you may still need to decide when it’s a good time to go away with someone for the first time.

The reason that this is important even after you’ve already slept with someone is because while you may have spent the night with them, going away with someone is a bit different. You’ll be spending a full 2 or 3 days with this person. You’ll be going to bed with them at night and waking up with them in the morning. They are going to see you without makeup and with messy hair. You’re going to be with them when your morning breath is at its very worst. This is a very intimate time and you need to be sure the timing is right for it to happen.

First of all, before deciding if it’s the right time to go away with someone, think about what stage your relationship is at. How many dates have you been on? Have you at least kissed each other? What about sex? Have you had it yet? Is the connection forming and turning into something even deeper?

Obviously, if you’ve just started dating this person, you don’t want to rush things. If you have one date and then suggest a trip away, they are going to think that you’re easy or desperate or both. That’s not the impression you want to give someone that you think may be a promising relationship for you. They might go away with you immediately if they think you’re easy, but you most likely won’t hear from them ever again once you return.

Now, on the other hand, if you’ve been dating for a while, have gotten to know each other pretty well, and have already had sex, it may be time to take things to the next level. If you’re unsure about whether it’s the thing to do or not, talk to them about it and see what sort of reaction you get. Ask them what their thoughts are on the matter. It’s usually better if that first trip away together is a joint decision and not just something that you plan and expect them to go along with.

When you and your new partner have your very first romantic getaway, perfect planning and the perfect time will ensure that it will be a time to enjoy and remember for a long time to come.