Is There Really Someone for Everyone?

Something that keeps many single people hopeful is the belief that there’s someone in the world for everyone.  This may or may not be true depending on the type of person you’re looking for and what you want to have with this person. So, in actuality, it’s this part that decides if there’s a match for everyone in the world that wants one. It all comes down to what you want to have with another person.

The easiest of all connections is the one night stand. Just about any decent looking person can score one of these. Usually, these happen just because a person has an itch that needs to be scratched. You get all dressed up and hit some of the more crowded and popular “meet markets.” That’s where you’ll find other people just like you that are looking for those few minutes or few hours of physical intimacy with someone else. This is pretty simple to make happen. The downside of it is that for many people it turns out to be less than fulfilling. In fact, it can actually only make that emptiness inside of you that much more lonely. For others, though, it does the trick until the next time the itch starts.

The next type of connection that may be the simplest to achieve is the person for dating and casual sex. This one is better than the one night stand but doesn’t require a commitment from either party. These are two people that like a lot of the same things and are attracted to each other sexually. While this may sound a lot like the beginning of a real relationship, it can actually be the result of a good friendship. This is all some people require to be happy.

Then, there’s the relationship where a couple are in love and live together with no intentions of getting married. These couples can be either monogamous or have an open style relationship. This type of relationship is becoming more popular in recent times for many reasons.

Then, there’s the traditional relationship where a couple is in love with each other and choose to follow the approach of actually getting married. This relationship is a lot more difficult to have than the other ones because it’s much more serious. In a marriage, two people are committing to each other and making some pretty strong promises to each other in the process. They’re promising not to be with anyone else and to stay together in good times and bad times until death parts them. This is the ultimate goal of many single people and is the hardest to attain, yet it CAN be done.

One last type of relationship, and not too common, is the trial relationship. A ceremony is conducted that binds a couple together for a certain time period, usually one year. If, at the end of that time, they want to enter into a traditional marriage, that’s what will happen. If they’ve decided it’s not what they wanted, they can part ways peacefully.

So, all in all, there just may be someone for everyone in the world. It just comes down to what you’re looking for.

The Worst Times to Break Up with Someone

Typically, you can tell when you’re in a relationship that’s really going nowhere, and you can feel when you’re ready to end that relationship. While it’s always good to know where you stand, it’s also wise to realize when the time of the break up is not right. Obviously, breaking up is never going to be easy, but you can make it even worse by choosing the wrong time to end a relationship.

For instance, birthdays are TERRIBLE times to break up with someone. So if you know that you’re going to end a relationship, please do so well BEFORE his birthday or well AFTER it. If you choose the day before, of, or the day after his birthday to break up, it will always leave a bad feeling with him. Every birthday is going to remind him that his relationship ended at that time. So, if you can manage it, time the break up so that it’s a decent amount of time on either side of his birthday and never, ever make it on the birthday itself.

Another awful break up day is Valentine’s Day. This is the day for lovers and couples to celebrate every year. If you decide to end your relationship on this day, you run the risk of ruining it for him for a very long time, if not forever. That’s why knowing when you’re ready to leave a relationship is a good thing as you can time the break up for a day that doesn’t mean anything to either of you.

Holidays should never be used to end a relationship for many reasons. Obviously, one of them is that this particular holiday may never be enjoyable again if the break up is pretty bad.  Another reason is that some people tend to buy expensive and extravagant gifts during the holidays. If you end your relationship prior to the holidays, you can save both you and your about to be ex-partner a lot of money because you most likely won’t be buying gifts for each other. In addition, the holidays just turn into very sad occasions when a relationship ends during them. This is true of the days immediately before and after them.

The basic rule of thumb is to get your break up out of the way as far ahead of any special day as possible. If you can’t do that, then you should try to grin and bear it through the special day and wait at least a couple of weeks afterward before making the big break. In this way, you’re saving someone a lot of misery that could follow him well into the future. You should be kind about the timing of your break up.

The exception to this rule is if your about to be ex is cheating on you and you just found out, or he’s done something even more horrendous. In cases such as those, he DESERVES to be miserable for future special days.

Beautiful and Alone

Many times you may remember seeing absolutely gorgeous women sitting alone in a bar. You may have known physically flawless women that rarely had a date on the weekends. While it may not make sense, it’s definitely true that many beautiful women spend a large portion of their lives alone. Once you dig into this phenomena a bit, though, you’ll start to see why it happens more than people think.

For one thing, and this is very common, lots of men are intimidated by women that are just incredibly stunning. This intimidation leads them to believe that these women would never give them a second glance. They don’t want to be shot down so they end up not ever approaching the women of their dreams. Instead, they just keep watching from afar and fantasizing about what it would be like to date them.

Something else about beautiful women is that some of them are assumed to be very self-centered and, therefore, will only date certain types of men. They don’t want to be seen with the ordinary guys. In other words, if a man doesn’t have lots of money and a hot car, they shouldn’t even approach women like this. They will definitely be shot down. Now, this isn’t to say that ALL beautiful women are self-centered. There are ordinary looking women that can be just as self-centered, although one might wonder why they feel they deserve to be.

The point is, even if you feel that you’re a less than ordinary man, you should always give the beautiful women a chance. Very often, a gorgeous woman would love to be approached by an intelligent man with a great sense of humor even if he doesn’t look like the stereotypical movie star. Many times, as long as that man is clean, neat and smells nice, a beautiful woman would be more than pleased to spend time with him.

So, if that man sounds a bit like you, why are you not approaching that beautiful woman sitting all alone at the bar nursing a drink and looking ever so lonely? Unless you look like the Elephant Man and have the personality of a cave man, she just may welcome your company. But that’s not something you’ll ever know unless you try it. Sure, there’s a chance that she may not be interested and blow you off, but there’s at least a fifty percent chance that she’ll smile at you and accept a drink from you.

Now, if she does turn out to be one of those women that has ice water pumping through her veins and isn’t interested unless you’re a millionaire driving a Maserati, at least you’ll understand why she’s sitting in a bar drinking alone. However, if you get your feet wet, so to speak, the next time you might not be so nervous about approaching a great looking woman. After all, once you’ve been shot down, you’ll know how it feels and will know that it can’t kill you.

Besides, if nothing else, you may be starting the relationship of your dreams. If not, you might at least make a really wonderful friend.

Signs He’s Taking You for Granted

One of the biggest enemies of relationships is when one or both partners start taking each other for granted. This goes a long way in killing the romance as well as the love between two people. Typically, it’s pretty easy to tell when someone starts to take you for granted. However, if you’re not SURE, but you highly suspect that your partner is taking you for granted, there a few surefire telltale signs that will seal the deal for you.

  • He forgets your birthday and/or anniversary: Now, it is possible that your partner was so busy at work or something else was going on that caused him to zone out and forget what day it is. That can happen once in a while but if it happens on a regular basis, he might be taking you for granted.
  • He doesn’t care how he looks around you anymore: You know how guys make themselves look and even smell great in the beginning of a relationship. Well, if he stops showering regularly, or brushing his teeth, and lays around in his old, ripped up clothes when he’s just with you, that kind of shows where you fall on his list of priorities. It’s even worse if he dresses up to go out with his friends.
  • He doesn’t pay attention to your appearance any more: Granted, once you’ve been together for a while, your man isn’t going to be telling you how hot you look every time you make a little change to the way you look. However, if you put on something slinky and sexy and he still can’t manage to tear himself away from the television, there’s a problem. If he’s not seeing you when you dress up for him, he’s probably taking you for granted.
  • He would rather have a night out with the boys rather than one with you: Some guys just need that night out with the guys to blow off steam or whatever. But if he cancels a night out with you to spend it with his buddies at a strip club, you need to be finding out why. On top of it, if he finally finds time to shower, shave and dress up first, then you should really be suspicious. Give him his space at times, but if he’s spending more time with the guys than with you, it’s time to leave.
  • If he never helps you around the house, he’s probably taking you for granted: He might have a hard job that tires him out but if he constantly feels that you’re the one that should do everything around the house, including cleaning up after him, you should question it. He may just need a maid and a whore in his life and you fit the bill. Don’t let him take you for granted like that.

Yes, relationships become comfortable and familiar the longer they last. But if he’s showing these signs, it’s time to address the situation. Keep your self-respect in place and don’t let yourself be treated like a second class citizen.

How to Get the Most from Your Online Dating Search

Once you’ve decided to take the plunge and get involved in online dating, there are things you can do to make your search for the perfect dating partner much easier. If you’re familiar with the term SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, you know that’s the secret ingredient to having a successful business. Some people have started to bring this very technique into their online dating search.

There are some things that have come to light with experts in these matters and they have been proven to work when it comes to landing the man you’re looking online. Once you try these things, you’ll see the difference in the type of men you attract.

To begin with, you should wear red in your profile picture. It seems that men are more attracted to red than to any other color. Since physical attraction is the beginning spark of most relationships, your profile picture is a vital part of getting an online date. Take whatever time is needed to get a flattering picture of yourself as you look now. Don’t use an old photo and try to Photoshop it. That’s simply not fair and the man you meet for a date is going to notice that you don’t look the same now. So, use only a little makeup, show moderate cleavage and a deliver a high wattage smile. Look directly into the camera and take the picture from the waist up.

Commit to a certain number of visits to your dating profile every day. Each time you visit your profile, change a little something in it. That will make you turn up new all the time in the database of the site. A lot of online dating sites maintain a list of new users, recently logged in users, and users that have recently updated their profiles that shows up on their homepage. As long as you keep visiting your profile, you’ll keep being seen on the homepage. This also indicates how serious you are about finding a good relationship.

The next thing you can use to your advantage is the way you handle your messages. Any messages that you send to your potential dates should be on a more personal note. Don’t use a generic message to send out to every man that messages you. Keep it specific for each man that you’re chatting to based on what their profiles say about them and what caught your eye. In addition, when you’re describing yourself, use some simple keywords that show up all the time in searches. These can be things like love, sports, painting, cooking, dancing and more. Don’t lie, either.

The tips mentioned here aren’t very difficult to follow but they can make all the difference in the world as to whether or not you get the man you would most like to go on a date with. All of these things are geared to bring you to the attention of the men that you would consider dating potential. Try them out and see just how far they’ll get you.

Choose Your Battles

All couples have disagreements from time to time. Many people consider arguing sometimes to be healthy for relationships. Of course, if you argue constantly that may be a sign of some different issues. However, getting back to the positive side of fighting, there are some benefits to doing some verbal slugging it out on occasion.

First of all, when couples argue, there’s a release of any tension build up. Sometimes, when you’re with someone a lot, there are things that can get on your nerves about each other. These things build when they’re not addressed and resolved. So, there may be some little thing that causes the blow up but the fight is actually about other things that have been allowed to fester for too long. Once the air is cleared, the fight is over and the tension is gone, or at least clearly reduced.

Having a difference of opinion is a good way to show that you’re not completely alike. There’s a lot to be said about having enough things in common, but nothing is more boring than being exactly alike. The things that you disagree over can be debated in a mature manner, or should be. But if yelling and throwing things is more the way you and your partner like to handle issues, go for it. Just try not to disturb the neighbors.

Something else you also need to understand about arguing is that you cannot always win. There’s no way to do that and hold onto a successful relationship. You need to be aware that you’re not always going to be right 100 percent of the time and your partner isn’t going to be, either. That’s why it’s important to choose your battles. Some things are just more important than others. When you’re positive that you’re right about something; that’s the thing to fight for. Of course, you should also be prepared for your partner to be equally adamant that he’s right about the same issue.

Another thing that turns out to be pretty nice about having a fight with your partner is that once it’s over, you get to make up. There’s just something about make up sex that’s unlike any other kind of sex you’ll ever have. It has an intensity to it that only anger and repentance can bring out. You almost feel as if you came very close to losing one another and then you were snatched back from the jaws of death regarding your relationship. The love and passion you feel for each other at the moment you make up is stronger than even the first time you were ever together physically. That’s a delicious feeling to hold onto.

Again, remember to choose your battles. Yes, the makeup sex if amazing and the end of a fight can mark the beginning of your love all over again. However, don’t fight over stupid things. Make your battles count and make them bring about a lasting joy and compromise into your relationship. Things will be so much better if you can do that.

Signs that Your Woman is Cheating on You

Everyone knows that men cheat all the time. It’s almost like it’s in their DNA or something. If it’s genetic, they just can’t help themselves, right?  While that’s probably a lot of nonsense, something else to consider is that women also cheat. They may not cheat quite as much as men, but they DO step out on their men for various reasons. Sometimes they’re better at hiding it than their cheating male counterparts, though. There are signs, however, that you can look for if you think your woman may be cheating on you. They include:

  • Accusing YOU of cheating: This is a way of diverting the guilt from herself to you. Even worse, is if you’ve cheated on her before, she may give herself permission to get even with you by cheating. Either way, she knows what she’s done and figures that you may be doing the same thing.
  • Starting to look her best when she goes out: When you notice your partner suddenly dressing to the nines when she’s supposedly going grocery shopping or to the gym, you may want to investigate why she needs to look so gorgeous.
  • Telling you she needs some space: While this doesn’t always mean she’s cheating, it can mean that she wants you out of the way so she’ll be free to meet a lover.
  • Hinting that she’s not happy: If your partner is telling you things like she needs more romance in her life, and that she loves things like getting flowers and love notes, you need to take her seriously. You see, if YOU don’t hear what she’s telling you, someone ELSE WILL.
  • Making a new best friend that you’ve never met: In this case, it’s not so much that she’s made a new best friend and you’ve never met this friend, it’s that she’s suddenly spending lots of time with this new friend. In addition, she always has an excuse for why it’s not a good time to meet her.
  • Changing her plans at the very last minute: For example, she’s gone out for a night on the town with the new best friend that you’ve never met and calls you around midnight with some excuse for why she’s just going to crash at her friend’s place for the night.
  • Your friends are telling you she’s cheating: Of course you don’t want to believe something like that, and she’s told you it’s not true. However, if more than one person tells you they know she’s cheating, it’s probably true.
  • Suddenly wanting to keep close tabs on you: When your woman is cheating on you, she needs to make sure that she’s not likely to run into you while she’s doing it.
  • Making excuses for not having sex: This should be a huge red flag, especially if she was always raring to go in the past. Now, all of a sudden, she’s too tired, doesn’t feel well, or has the most frequent and longest periods in history.
  • Has no interest in the relationship: She probably doesn’t care enough to even argue with you anymore.

You may think that these are all pretty obvious signs of cheating but you would be surprised at how many of them that men actually miss.

Planning a Romantic First Date

Something nearly everyone gets a bit nervous about is that all important first date with someone that you really like. It’s hard not to be boring by planning something that’s so mundane and routine that it shows no imagination whatsoever. There are some things to take into consideration as to what a creative and fun first date can consist of. The following may give you some ideas to get you started:

  • For the athletic couple: This is a way to spend time together and do something you both enjoy, such as engaging in some physical activity. Plan a bicycling day trip or hike. Take along a picnic lunch and let your destination be a beautiful view to enjoy while you eat.
  • For the water loving couple: You can go for a lovely sail on a lake or river. If you have access to a nice boat, it’s possible to sail out to an island for either a picnic on the beach or lunch in lovely seaside restaurant. Make a day of it. The time spent on the water can be a wonderful way to talk and get better acquainted.
  • For the fine arts couple: Even in cities where you may have visited museums and other cultural locations, it’s always exciting to see them with someone new that also loves them. It may even have the effect of seeing it with a fresh eye. There are also plays that you can attend together. You may even end your date by taking turns reading to each other from a book that moves both of you.
  • For the fun loving couple: People that have a wonderful sense of humor usually enjoy attending comedy clubs and seeing famous comedians. This is an evening of laughter that can be quite memorable. Following the show, you may want to go out for dinner and drinks while still comparing notes on the show.
  • For the childlike couple: Carnivals and fairs bring out the inner child in everyone, but if you already have good contact with YOUR inner child, this will only emphasize how much fun going on carnival rides and playing games for prizes while eating a huge cone of cotton candy can be. You may even get to steal a kiss or two in the Tunnel of Love. A trip to the zoo or the circus can also bring out that childlike fun.

Nothing gets a potential relationship off to a great start like organizing an amazing first date that hits all of the high notes of the favorite things you have in common. This is the perfect way to bond with each other and start to build off of those things you have in common.

Also, don’t feel that all of your dates have to be organized. Try spontaneity on occasion and see how that works out. You can just wake up one morning and invite this person to have breakfast with you. That can begin a lovely day of playing tourist in your own city, having lunch and ending it with dinner. What could be more perfect?

Create a Killer Online Dating Profile

So many single people are turning to online dating these days that it’s considered to be just as normal as how dating used to be conducted. Admittedly, though, there are many major differences between the two. One of these is you have to come up with an entirely new way of talking about yourself. You know how when you first meet someone new and you both want to know all about each other’s likes and dislikes? That has to be done with online dating, too, except you’re going to be telling prospective dating partners about yourself BEFORE they even meet you.

That sounds a bit odd, but it’s actually part of the entire online dating experience. People find each other through their dating profiles left on various dating websites. Of course, you must become a member of each website before you’re allowed to put up a profile about yourself, but once you do, you want that profile to be, well, PERFECT! This is the way that people of like minds will find each other so you want yours to be the absolute best that you can make it.

That may sound like a tall order, but it’s not really all THAT hard. Following is a checklist of sorts to help you along in creating a killer online dating profile that will draw the right people to you and have them drooling in anticipation:

  • Take a new photo: One of the biggest mistakes that you can make on a dating profile is to put up a picture of yourself taken ten years ago or, even worse, use a photo of someone else. It’s vital to use your own photo. After all, you DO plan to actually MEET one of these people and you want to be upfront about what they’re going to see. It’s good to take a new photo if possible, so that you can take some time to prepare for it and look your most amazing.
  • Be honest: Never write down what you THINK people will want to see. You’ve got to be honest about everything. This includes your appearance, your taste in music, movies, and television shows. Don’t make up things just to seem more exciting. Think about it this way: Don’t say that you’re 5’8 and weigh 125 pounds, love metal music, like gory horror flicks and enjoy skydiving if the truth is actually that you’re 5’3, weigh 140 pounds, love country western music, romantic comedies and that you’re terrified of heights. You can see that these two descriptions will attract completely different people and they WILL notice the difference in your tastes.
  • Be a little mysterious: Don’t give everything about yourself away where everyone can see it. A little mystery is a good thing. Just be sure to find that delicate balance between being a bit mysterious and an out and out weirdo.

If you take some time to make your online dating profile a work of art, you’ll like the type of people it attracts more than if you just slap something together and stick up there. That’s a guarantee.

Reinventing Yourself to Get Your Ex Back

Breaking up with someone, or them breaking up with you, can be one of the most devastatingly painful events in anyone’s life. There’s no getting around the fact that it hurts, especially if you’re the one that didn’t want it to end. Those relationship breakups that are mutual are actually quite rare, and, most likely, your breakup wasn’t one of these.

You’re probably lying around crying and moping and trying to figure out how to invent a time machine so that you can go back in time and have everything like it used to be. Don’t waste your time and energy on this. Instead, sit up, dry your eyes, wash off your face and get ready to work. You’re going to reinvent yourself so that you can entice your ex back into your arms.

Before you even ask, yes it IS possible to do this even if he’s with someone else. In fact, that’s even better because, then, you can look at her and see what sort of woman he’s left you for. Then take a good long look in the mirror and see what you need to do to make yourself new and improved.

A lot of people get sloppy and unkempt once they’ve been in a relationship for a while. It’s like they get too comfortable and forget to be sexy and attractive for their partner. This is a definite relationship killer. Even if your partner loves you, chances are that he’s not going to love seeing you sitting around with a green face mask on or wandering around the house with your hair unwashed and no makeup.

Do you need to lose a few pounds or simply tone up your body a bit? If so, put yourself on a healthy diet and start working out. That’s not as hard as it sounds, either. You can start off by walking or riding a bicycle, either real or stationary. Just get in some activity so that your muscles can tighten up.

Change your hairstyle and/or color. If you think back, he probably always said there was a color or style that he either liked on you or wanted to see you in. Take advantage of that knowledge and get it done. The next time he sets eyes on you, this will be the hair style and color that he sees.

Take a good look at your wardrobe. Get rid of those sloppy old clothes that, while comfortable, never really did anything flattering for you. If they’re not in your closet, you won’t be tempted to wear them. You can find comfortable lounging clothes that are also sexy and attractive. Your goal is to become well-dressed no matter what the occasion.

Learn to cook the favorite dishes that you never “had time” to mess with in the past. You can bet his new girlfriend is cooking for him often and offering dessert in a way you probably never did. This will have you ready for the first new dinner you cook for him.

All of this time you should have been cutting off all communication with him. Now that you’re ready, the new and improved you should make it a point to “run into him” at a place you know he’ll be. Dazzle him with the new you but don’t be too obvious.  After all, pursuit is half the fun so let him think HE’S winning YOU back.

For more coaching on how to get your ex back, The M3 System is a great resource – if you think you might need some additional help to succeed in getting your ex back, be sure to check out our M3 System review.

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