Great Secret Places for Meeting Men
by Dating Tips
Filed under Dating Tips For Women
Single women are always on the hunt for great places to meet the best kind of men. There are the usual places, of course, but there are also others that are somewhat well-kept secrets. Following are some of those secret places to meet men:
- Conventions: This doesn’t mean your work conventions. These are FUN conventions such as Comic-Con or Star Trek. Many women have found men at these types of conventions to be very grateful and lavishing of attention. If you’re up for a change of pace in dating, try attending one of these and see what happens.
- Theme Night at bars: Trying to meet men at bars has been done to death. On the other hand, Bingo Night at the local bar is another thing altogether. Not only is Bingo fun to play, but there will be people from neighboring communities that will be there to take part in the challenge. You can find plenty of new men to flirt with at these events.
- Weddings: While this should be an obvious way to meet men, most of the women at weddings are focusing too hard on catching that elusive bouquet so they miss the great looking single men in attendance. If women would just go over and interrupt that huddle of men at the bar, there’s a great chance that they’ll find some handsome men that want to dance with them. Besides, you can bet that the bride has already pre-approved any men attending her wedding.
- Recovery programs: All over the country people gather at weekly meetings to help them with various addictions. In these meetings, some couples connect on a deeper level and turn that connection into something much more. Don’t assume that recovering addicts are always bad for each other.
- Jogging or Running: A method that rarely fails to work is also one that gets your body healthier. When you’re performing warm-ups or waiting for the light to change, there are always a few male joggers also warming up or waiting. Don’t blow your chance when you get it to chat up a great looking man that’s also jogging.
- Move to Alaska: If you’re a single woman seeking a single man, consider relocating to Alaska. This state is apparently a gold mine of single men. You may not even have to completely MOVE there. If you’ve got a week or two of vacation that you can use to visit Alaska; that may be all you’ll need to meet the man of your dreams.
Any or all of these places can be excellent when it comes to meeting available men, if for no other reason than that the majority of women haven’t discovered them yet. The odds will also probably be in your favor because some of these places have many more men than women. If moving to or visiting Alaska is out of your realm of feasibility, start with some of the simpler places. On a final note, you should keep in mind that anytime you visit somewhere new, you’ve got an increased chance of meeting that man for you.
Signs that Your Woman is Cheating on You
by Dating Tips
Filed under Cheating, Dating Tips For Men
Everyone knows that men cheat all the time. It’s almost like it’s in their DNA or something. If it’s genetic, they just can’t help themselves, right? While that’s probably a lot of nonsense, something else to consider is that women also cheat. They may not cheat quite as much as men, but they DO step out on their men for various reasons. Sometimes they’re better at hiding it than their cheating male counterparts, though. There are signs, however, that you can look for if you think your woman may be cheating on you. They include:
- Accusing YOU of cheating: This is a way of diverting the guilt from herself to you. Even worse, is if you’ve cheated on her before, she may give herself permission to get even with you by cheating. Either way, she knows what she’s done and figures that you may be doing the same thing.
- Starting to look her best when she goes out: When you notice your partner suddenly dressing to the nines when she’s supposedly going grocery shopping or to the gym, you may want to investigate why she needs to look so gorgeous.
- Telling you she needs some space: While this doesn’t always mean she’s cheating, it can mean that she wants you out of the way so she’ll be free to meet a lover.
- Hinting that she’s not happy: If your partner is telling you things like she needs more romance in her life, and that she loves things like getting flowers and love notes, you need to take her seriously. You see, if YOU don’t hear what she’s telling you, someone ELSE WILL.
- Making a new best friend that you’ve never met: In this case, it’s not so much that she’s made a new best friend and you’ve never met this friend, it’s that she’s suddenly spending lots of time with this new friend. In addition, she always has an excuse for why it’s not a good time to meet her.
- Changing her plans at the very last minute: For example, she’s gone out for a night on the town with the new best friend that you’ve never met and calls you around midnight with some excuse for why she’s just going to crash at her friend’s place for the night.
- Your friends are telling you she’s cheating: Of course you don’t want to believe something like that, and she’s told you it’s not true. However, if more than one person tells you they know she’s cheating, it’s probably true.
- Suddenly wanting to keep close tabs on you: When your woman is cheating on you, she needs to make sure that she’s not likely to run into you while she’s doing it.
- Making excuses for not having sex: This should be a huge red flag, especially if she was always raring to go in the past. Now, all of a sudden, she’s too tired, doesn’t feel well, or has the most frequent and longest periods in history.
- Has no interest in the relationship: She probably doesn’t care enough to even argue with you anymore.
You may think that these are all pretty obvious signs of cheating but you would be surprised at how many of them that men actually miss.
10 Rules to Seduce Any Man
by Dating Tips
Filed under Dating Tips For Women
It may be puzzling as to how some women get great men to pay attention to them all the time, while other women have to fight really hard to get what they want. While it may seem as if those women have some sort of magic helping them out, they’re actually doing some things that ANY woman can do and be just as successful in landing men that aren’t afraid of commitment or opening up to the emotions involved in a relationship. Believe it or not, there’s no magic involved. Have a look at the following ways to get a great man for yourself:
Rule Number 1: Be yourself. This will always be the very first rule because if you’re not yourself, any man that you land by pretending to be someone else can never find out who you really are. He fell for the person he met and will expect you to continue to be that person.
Rule Number 2: Be around. Get involved with local groups that the object of your affection is also a part of. That puts you in his vicinity that may make him notice you. This also shows that you like some of the same things that he does.
Rule Number 3: Be Sincere. Everything you do and say needs to be honest and genuine. Men can be more aware than you may think. They can see when you’re not being genuine and may deem you as untrustworthy.
Rule Number 4: Be Inspirational. If you can be happy and smiling a lot, you’re going to be able to attract lots of men. You’ll be amazed at how far a smile can take you.
Rule Number 5: Be Attractive. This doesn’t mean that you need to be made up fully . It does mean that you need to be clean and well groomed. Don’t go out wearing curlers or a face mask. Look nice or cute at least.
Rule Number 6: Be a Team Player. All this really means is that you need to be supportive. Join in things that you both like to do and find the things that you both have in common.
Rule Number 7: Be Inquisitive. Everyone always loves talking about themselves. So ask questions of the man you like. He’ll find you fascinating.
Rule Number 8: Be Mysterious. Let things happen as they are meant to. This includes the way you show different parts of yourself.
Rule Number 9: Be Confident. Confidence is one of the sexiest qualities anyone can have. Believe in yourself and others will too.
Rule Number 10: Be Patient. Take things a little at a time. If it’s meant to be, it will happen. You can’t force anything so don’t even try.
When you carry out the above rules of seduction, you’ll be shocked at how successful you’ll be at seducing the man of your choice. Don’t let anyone tell you that these won’t work. When applied carefully, they’ll go a long way in helping you land the man that you want.
Does a Committed Relationship Make You Fat?
by Dating Tips
Filed under Attraction
One thing that tends to keep men from committing to women on a more permanent level is the fear that these women will gain a lot of weight as time goes on. Is this a fair, or valid, concern? The answer to this question is not so cut and dried. In fact, you would probably have to say that this is one of those questions where the answer can be both yes and no.
Whether or not a woman gains a lot of weight once she’s married, engaged or living with someone in a committed relationship depends on many factors. These include:
- If the woman has weight issues that she constantly tries to fight, it’s possible that she will pack on the pounds once she gets a ring on her finger. That’s not always the case, but for women that have had to fight lifelong battles with weight, they may be tempted to relax once they get their man. It’s a relief to them to be able to eat things they actually enjoy without needing to be on a permanent diet.
- Some women are rather vain about their appearance. These women will probably always do everything in their power to stay sexy and attractive. Even if they get pregnant, usually by the time their 6 week checkup comes around, they’ll already be back to their previous pregnancy weight.
- There are many women that have watched their weight all their lives and simply feel that they can stop doing that once they get a man. It’s not actually something they do on purpose. It’s more that they relax into the relationship and the fact that they’re with men who love them.
- Many women have issues with weight gain following a pregnancy. They just don’t seem to be able to get that weight off so they just keep gaining it with each subsequent pregnancy.
Obviously, if a woman really cares about the man she’s with, she will do her best to make sure that he likes what he sees when he looks at her. If a woman weighs 130 pounds when she is married and 5 years later she weighs 250 pounds, she has become way too comfortable and relaxed in her marriage. There are those rare men in life that truly love their women and it doesn’t matter if they balloon up to 500 pounds. They will still love them.
So you can see how this is a yes and no question. Any woman who truly loves her man is going to do her best to look appealing for him. She also will not want him to be ashamed to be seen in public with her. A woman who lets herself go following marriage is all but opening the door for her man to find someone more appealing.
While being in a committed relationship doesn’t MAKE you fat, it can definitely lower the motivation to stay in competing shape like you would if you were still dating and trying to land someone.
Do You REALLY Want a Married Man?
by Dating Tips
Filed under Dating Tips For Women, Unhealthy Relationships
So you’ve landed yourself a handsome, successful and wealthy man to be with. He’s so romantic and never forgets special occasions. You can depend on him to buy gifts for you that you’ll love and will get noticed when you go out in public. He even sends you suggestive and sexy text messages for no reason. There’s no doubt that he adores you. Oh yes, he does sound perfect. Too bad you can’t tell anyone about him because he’s married.
You may have talked yourself into thinking you’re living in the middle of a romantic fairytale when actually what you’ve done is create a fantasy world for yourself. Part of you knows that it’s wrong of you to be stealing a man away from another woman. On the other hand, it’s not like you’re actually stealing him. It’s more like you’re borrowing him. Before you start protesting, has he told you that he’s leaving his wife to marry you? If he has, that’s one of the many lies this man has told you and will be telling you in the future.
Being involved with a married man rarely brings anything except heartache to everyone that’s a part of the situation. The list of lies is common and never changes. They include:
- He’s never done anything like this before (his wife may be able to enlighten you as where you fall on the list of women).
- His wife doesn’t understand him, isn’t interested in sex anymore, or leads her own life (actually, he still consults with his wife over important matters or decisions, has sex with her regularly and they take trips together).
- As soon as his kids are old enough to leave home, he’s going to divorce her and the two of you can be together. Find out how old these kids are. If they’re not even 10 yet, how many years are you willing to wait for them to grow up and move away?
Going down that list, here are the truths:
- If he’s willing to cheat on his wife with you, the odds are good that he’s done it many times before. You’re not the first and you won’t be the last. Also don’t be surprised if his wife contacts you at some point. If she doesn’t know about you yet, she will.
- While you’re taking trips alone on your vacation, he’s off on a second honeymoon with his wife in the Caribbean.
- He may genuinely care about his kids and not hurting them. In fact, most men that cheat on their wives dearly love their kids and will do anything to protect them from getting hurt. This includes divorce. The bottom line is that he’s never going to leave his wife for you.
Add all of this to the fact that you’ll most likely be spending all holidays and anniversaries alone, attending events unescorted, and growing older and lonelier all the time. In the end, is this the type of life you want for yourself? Don’t you deserve better than to be a booty call for a married man?
My Last Girlfriend Was a Lunatic!
by Dating Tips
Filed under Dating Tips For Women
How many times have you heard this from guys that you’re newly dating? You know the drill: You meet this really great looking guy that seems to have everything you’ve ever wanted in a man. There are a few dates where you spend time getting to know each other. Eventually, when discussing past relationships, he utters those dreaded words: “My last girlfriend was a lunatic!” Immediately, you go on the alert. The next few minutes just might make or break this budding new relationship.
The first thing you want to do is encourage him to talk. Tell him that you want to hear all about how things went with his last girlfriend and why she was so insane. Now, a man who is actually telling you truth will most likely not be so eager to give you details. In fact, he may try to change the subject so that the conversation now focuses on you.
If you’re feeling little alarm bells going off, though, you need to re-direct the focus back to him and the crazy ex-girlfriend. Ask him questions that he must either answer or say he doesn’t want to talk about the relationship. You can remind him that he really can’t just throw something like that out there and expect you not to want to know more.
Listen to his story and see how you feel about what he’s saying. If the ex was a stalker type, or tended to destroy his things when he walked away, you can offer your sympathy, and move on. He just may be telling you the truth. A good sign that he isn’t exaggerating is if he has some positive things to say about some of his ex-girlfriends with only one psycho in the group.
On the other hand, if every one of his ex-girlfriends were insane, or they cheated on him, or didn’t want to let him go to the point of acting in the extreme, there may be something else going on here that you don’t want to be a part of. When you meet a guy where EVERY SINGLE ONE of his ex-girlfriends was psychotic or slutty in some way, the problem may not be the ex-girlfriends. The problem may lie within the man.
Ok, so SOME men can have all the bad luck in the world when it comes to women. However, the odds are greater that it’s not always the women.
If there seems to be a pattern in the women that this guy chooses, there can be several reasons for it:
1. He may actually be a great guy that just cannot read women well.
2. He may be a magnet for damaged women.
3. He may just be addicted to the drama that comes along with mentally unstable girlfriends.
Whatever the reason, if this guy seems to have only horrible ex-girlfriends in his past, you may want to cut your losses while you can. Otherwise, you’ll be added to the list of insane girlfriends the next time this guy shares his unhappy past to a new woman.
Things Men Say and What They REALLY Mean
by Dating Tips
Filed under Dating Tips For Women, Relationship Tips
There’s actually a sort of code when men say certain things to women. The problem is that women aren’t usually clued in as to what these guys are really saying. So it’s time to have a look at some of these things in case your guy starts saying any of them to you. At least you’ll be a bit more prepared the next time you hear one of these phrases uttered by your man:
- “I’ve decided to begin therapy.” For many men, this is definitely a step in the right direction. If he has issues and has recognized that fact, then going into therapy is huge. However, what can start happening now is that he gains an ally. This ally is probably going to be totally pro-him and anti-you. He may start coming home from his appointments sharing his feelings with you. The problem is that these feelings are full of all the things you do that are wrong and detrimental to him.
- “I’m not in the mood to have sex.” This is a huge red flag because most guys tend to want to have sex all the time. Now granted, they may have an off day here and there, but if this is turning into an every night thing and you’re better acquainted with your shower massager than your man, it’s time to get to the bottom of his issue. If you can’t, it may be time to move on.
- “I can’t seem to stop crying.” Men that are in touch with their emotions are wonderful to be with. However, there can be a limit to just how many tears you want to see. For a death in the family, sure, he’s going to cry. But do you really want him to be sitting beside you sobbing in a public theater at a romance movie? If you’re starting to feel like you’re the man in the relationship, you might need to find a real man of your own.
- “I just turned in my two week notice at work.” This one can be wonderful if he follows it up with sharing his plans for a great new career that he’s decided to embark upon. In fact, you probably couldn’t be happier for BOTH of you. However, if he doesn’t seem to have any other job prospects in mind and hasn’t shared how he plans to pay his portion of the bills, if you’re living together, then you may have a problem. He may be expecting you to play Mommy to him and take care of everything.
- “There’s something I need to tell you.” When a guy says this to you, brace yourself because something bad is coming. These conversations never end well.
- “I think we need to take a break.” The relationship is over but he just doesn’t have the nerve to tell you. So he takes the wimpy way out. In fact, he may already have another girl on the side that you just haven’t found out about. Do him a favor and end the relationship permanently.