Things Men Say and What They REALLY Mean

There’s actually a sort of code when men say certain things to women. The problem is that women aren’t usually clued in as to what these guys are really saying. So it’s time to have a look at some of these things in case your guy starts saying any of them to you. At least you’ll be a bit more prepared the next time you hear one of these phrases uttered by your man:

“I’ve decided to begin therapy.” For many men, this is definitely a step in the right direction. If he has issues and has recognized that fact, then going into therapy is huge. However, what can start happening now is that he gains an ally. This ally is probably going to be totally pro-him and anti-you. He may start coming home from his appointments sharing his feelings with you. The problem is that these feelings are full of all the things you do that are wrong and detrimental to him.

“I’m not in the mood to have sex.” This is a huge red flag because most guys tend to want to have sex all the time. Now granted, they may have an off day here and there, but if this is turning into an every night thing and you’re better acquainted with your shower massager than your man, it’s time to get to the bottom of his issue. If you can’t, it may be time to move on.

“I can’t seem to stop crying.” Men that are in touch with their emotions are wonderful to be with. However, there can be a limit to just how many tears you want to see. For a death in the family, sure, he’s going to cry. But do you really want him to be sitting beside you sobbing in a public theater at a romance movie? If you’re starting to feel like you’re the man in the relationship, you might need to find a real man of your own.

“I just turned in my two week notice at work.” This one can be wonderful if he follows it up with sharing his plans for a great new career that he’s decided to embark upon. In fact, you probably couldn’t be happier for BOTH of you. However, if he doesn’t seem to have any other job prospects in mind and hasn’t shared how he plans to pay his portion of the bills, if you’re living together, then you may have a problem. He may be expecting you to play Mommy to him and take care of everything.

“There’s something I need to tell you.” When a guy says this to you, brace yourself because something bad is coming. These conversations never end well.

“I think we need to take a break.” The relationship is over but he just doesn’t have the nerve to tell you. So he takes the wimpy way out. In fact, he may already have another girl on the side that you just haven’t found out about. Do him a favor and end the relationship permanently.

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