Dating Safety Tips – Staying Safe On Your Dates

With so many singles meeting on the internet or in bars, going out with someone can take a dangerous turn before you realize what’s occurring.  Being alone with an unknown stranger Is not the best idea for your personal safety.

If you are alone at his place, then you’re totally vulnerable and he is in charge. That’s not a smart move.  Every year women of all ages do this and some end up dead or missing without a trace. Don’t become a dating nightmare statistic.

Dating safety entails making decisions using common sense rather than hormones. For a first date or blind date, arrange to meet in a public place – not a parking lot or a bar in his neighborhood.

Meet at a multi-screen movie complex, the mall, or a busy restaurant on a major street. Invite some friends to join you so that when you meet the new guy, you spend time with the group.

That lets you and your friends size him up before you go away with him somewhere. If you have any reluctance about how he acts or talks, then don’t leave the safety of your group.  Even after he leaves, he might be angry at the rejection so don’t walk to your car alone. Ask someone in the group to walk with you or ride with them to your car.

If you do decide to go out alone with him, let your best friend know where you plan on going and the name of the guy you’re dating.  You can also write that information on a note and tape it to your bathroom mirror.

It’s sad to think that you could be potentially get hurt by your date, but if that did happen, the note could help lead authorities to him. You also need to have an arrangement with a friend that you will call at least within 6 hours of leaving on the date or your friend needs to start searching for you.

It’s normal to share information about your lives as part of getting to know each other. Talking about your work, your hobbies and your favorite places needs to be a broad discussion until you get to know him better.

You don’t need to give out your address or exact information about your office.  If he keeps steering the conversation towards money and how much you earn or spend, then it’s a big sign that you’ll need to walk away.

He has no need to know your financial status. That’s a red flag that he could be a con man who is trying to get to know you better so he can get money from you. The more he presses you for personal information early in the relationship, the more he sounds like he’s ready to take over your life.

He may be insecure and want to be in every part of your life or he may be gathering information so that he knows how to isolate you from your friends later. That’s the way abusive men behave – they charm you then they isolate you from friends and family so you feel that you must depend only on them.

An important way to stay safe on a first date is to avoid drinking alcohol or taking any drink that’s open and poured out of your sight. It’s not only  among the college crowd that the date rape drug is used.
Stick to bottled water or soda and make certain that you open the container. Do not put your drink down to dance – keep it in your hands or get another drink. Never think you’re safe because he’s with you every minute.

While he has your attention, his friend could be slipping a drug into your drink. It sounds outrageous, but it happens to too many women of all ages in all types of dating situations and being aware is the best defense you have.

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