Planning a Romantic First Date

Something nearly everyone gets a bit nervous about is that all important first date with someone that you really like. It’s hard not to be boring by planning something that’s so mundane and routine that it shows no imagination whatsoever. There are some things to take into consideration as to what a creative and fun first date can consist of. The following may give you some ideas to get you started:

  • For the athletic couple: This is a way to spend time together and do something you both enjoy, such as engaging in some physical activity. Plan a bicycling day trip or hike. Take along a picnic lunch and let your destination be a beautiful view to enjoy while you eat.
  • For the water loving couple: You can go for a lovely sail on a lake or river. If you have access to a nice boat, it’s possible to sail out to an island for either a picnic on the beach or lunch in lovely seaside restaurant. Make a day of it. The time spent on the water can be a wonderful way to talk and get better acquainted.
  • For the fine arts couple: Even in cities where you may have visited museums and other cultural locations, it’s always exciting to see them with someone new that also loves them. It may even have the effect of seeing it with a fresh eye. There are also plays that you can attend together. You may even end your date by taking turns reading to each other from a book that moves both of you.
  • For the fun loving couple: People that have a wonderful sense of humor usually enjoy attending comedy clubs and seeing famous comedians. This is an evening of laughter that can be quite memorable. Following the show, you may want to go out for dinner and drinks while still comparing notes on the show.
  • For the childlike couple: Carnivals and fairs bring out the inner child in everyone, but if you already have good contact with YOUR inner child, this will only emphasize how much fun going on carnival rides and playing games for prizes while eating a huge cone of cotton candy can be. You may even get to steal a kiss or two in the Tunnel of Love. A trip to the zoo or the circus can also bring out that childlike fun.

Nothing gets a potential relationship off to a great start like organizing an amazing first date that hits all of the high notes of the favorite things you have in common. This is the perfect way to bond with each other and start to build off of those things you have in common.

Also, don’t feel that all of your dates have to be organized. Try spontaneity on occasion and see how that works out. You can just wake up one morning and invite this person to have breakfast with you. That can begin a lovely day of playing tourist in your own city, having lunch and ending it with dinner. What could be more perfect?

Create a Killer Online Dating Profile

So many single people are turning to online dating these days that it’s considered to be just as normal as how dating used to be conducted. Admittedly, though, there are many major differences between the two. One of these is you have to come up with an entirely new way of talking about yourself. You know how when you first meet someone new and you both want to know all about each other’s likes and dislikes? That has to be done with online dating, too, except you’re going to be telling prospective dating partners about yourself BEFORE they even meet you.

That sounds a bit odd, but it’s actually part of the entire online dating experience. People find each other through their dating profiles left on various dating websites. Of course, you must become a member of each website before you’re allowed to put up a profile about yourself, but once you do, you want that profile to be, well, PERFECT! This is the way that people of like minds will find each other so you want yours to be the absolute best that you can make it.

That may sound like a tall order, but it’s not really all THAT hard. Following is a checklist of sorts to help you along in creating a killer online dating profile that will draw the right people to you and have them drooling in anticipation:

  • Take a new photo: One of the biggest mistakes that you can make on a dating profile is to put up a picture of yourself taken ten years ago or, even worse, use a photo of someone else. It’s vital to use your own photo. After all, you DO plan to actually MEET one of these people and you want to be upfront about what they’re going to see. It’s good to take a new photo if possible, so that you can take some time to prepare for it and look your most amazing.
  • Be honest: Never write down what you THINK people will want to see. You’ve got to be honest about everything. This includes your appearance, your taste in music, movies, and television shows. Don’t make up things just to seem more exciting. Think about it this way: Don’t say that you’re 5’8 and weigh 125 pounds, love metal music, like gory horror flicks and enjoy skydiving if the truth is actually that you’re 5’3, weigh 140 pounds, love country western music, romantic comedies and that you’re terrified of heights. You can see that these two descriptions will attract completely different people and they WILL notice the difference in your tastes.
  • Be a little mysterious: Don’t give everything about yourself away where everyone can see it. A little mystery is a good thing. Just be sure to find that delicate balance between being a bit mysterious and an out and out weirdo.

If you take some time to make your online dating profile a work of art, you’ll like the type of people it attracts more than if you just slap something together and stick up there. That’s a guarantee.

Online Dating and Safety

Online dating has become an accepted way of meeting and getting to know people for friendship and prospective romantic partners. It’s so convenient to do things this way since you never have to even leave your home to get the ball rolling. You can visit a variety of online dating websites, or you can hop in and out of some dating chat rooms. It’s also possible to get acquainted with someone you’ve come into contact with in your favorite forum. There are so many ways to do this.

One of the biggest concerns with online dating, however, is the issue of safety. Most of the time this applies to women rather than men, although there are definitely some women that can be just as dangerous as the most frightening of men. In addition, it’s difficult to tell who you can trust and who you need to avoid at all costs. There’s just no sure fire way to know. That’s why safety is so very important.

While you can’t always be 100 percent positive that you’ve hooked up with someone completely trustworthy, you can at least take some sensible measures that give you an advantage in this area.

The first one of these is to never give all of your personal information right off the bat. Sure, you need to give someone your first name, but there’s no reason that you should offer your last night along with your phone number and street address. All you need to chat with each other for a while is first names. Some people even go so far as to use aliases in the beginning.

Talking online is relatively safe. You can chat privatly and get a lot of your questions answered about someone while you’re getting to know each other. When you’re ready, you can move things along by chatting via webcam. In this way, you can see each other, which can tell a lot about what someone is really like. This, too, is a great way to get acquainted while remaining safe.

When you’re ready to meet face to face, make it during the day at a very public place. It’s also a good idea to take a friend along with you. That friend can sit somewhere else where you’re in full view, or they can join you until you give the signal that you’re comfortable enough for them to leave. It’s also a good idea to use your own transportation and meet in the agreed upon location.  In this way, your address is still safe and you’ve got your own way to “escape” if you feel the need.

Never meet someone until you’re completely 100 percent comfortable with that person. There are many ways to run background checks on people these days, too. That’s something else that you may want to consider. It’s also a better idea to keep your home’s location a secret until you’ve been dating for a while. When you’re fully relaxed and confident that someone is safe for you to be seeing, then you can open up a bit more. Until then, never take anything at face value.

Your Man Just Hit on Me…

A situation that comes up more often than anyone would like to admit is the one where your boyfriend, fiance or husband actually hits on a good friend of yours. It’s definitely one of the more humiliating things that can happen to anyone and it’s also one that’s very difficult to know how to handle. There are many things that come to mind at first, but there are also other things to consider before making an immediate decision.

To begin with, you need to consider the source. Is the person telling you that your man just hit on her a reliable person? Or is she someone that has been known to be jealous of you in the past and has lied to you on more than one occasion? If that’s the case, you’ll want some definitive proof that she’s not lying to you this time before you start throwing your man’s clothes out onto the front lawn. Witnesses would be ideal but they usually aren’t part of the equation as even a man stupid enough to hit on his woman’s friend will be smart enough to do it privately. So you’ll have to take another route in sniffing out the truth.

The best method to try is taking them both by surprise. Get them both together in front of you and confront him with what you’ve been told. Unless your man is an exceptional liar, you’ve probably noticed little things he does when he’s not being completely truthful with you. Watch him closely because you don’t want to miss that first involuntary response from him when you make the initial accusation. You should be able to tell if he’s guilty as charged.

Now, if he DID actually hit on your friend, you’re most likely going to want to know why. Ask the question if you really want the answer. But you’re still going to need to decide whether he stays or goes. Can you ever trust him again? Probably not. Has this ever happened before while you’ve been together? It may have. Was he drunk when he made the pass? Does it really matter? The bottom line is that he was TRYING to cheat on you and that’s not acceptable in a monogamous relationship.

So unless you want to entertain the idea of threesomes and swapping, this is one man that you probably will want to send on his way. Don’t put yourself through the agony of worrying about whether or not he can be trusted around your friends. You should be able to have attractive friends without limiting yourself to only those that probably will be old maids until they leave the earth. There should be trust between the two of you and if you’ve got to worry about whether or not he’s in the hall bathroom trying to feel up your best friend, it’s simply not worth it. Help him pack and take away his door key. Then you can find someone that’s worthy of you and who won’t behave like a wild animal in heat with anyone other than you.

Dating and Pets

You’ve probably heard the expression “Love me, love my dog” before. However, you probably never gave a lot of thought as to what it actually means, or if you did, you most likely laughed a bit. This can be deadly serious, though, when it comes to dating if you have a pet. Not everyone is meant to be around animals and if animal lovers happen to hook up with those that aren’t crazy about pets, the fireworks that shoot into the air will not be the GOOD kind.

To begin with, you may have a dog or cat, or maybe more than one, living with you. These are your BABIES. True animal lovers really enjoy their pets and, truth be told, they feel as if these pets are more like family members than simply animals. The bond between animals and their owners is one of the most special that you’ll find anywhere. It’s a very beautiful and precious connection and should be viewed as such.

The problem comes about when a single animal lover is trying to find a romantic prospect and hooks up with someone that simply despises animals or is deathly afraid of them for some reason. It gets even worse when the two people are truly attracted to each other because this means that there are some choices to be made. The thing is that the animal lover isn’t going to give up his or her family member for someone that he or she just met.

It’s better to forego those incidents and get started off on the right foot with someone that loves animals as much as you do. This is not as difficult to do as you may think, either. You can find out how someone feels about animals simply by asking during the first conversation you have with someone that you’re interested in knowing better. That’s certainly safer than waiting until you’re ready to go out on that first date to find out that your new romantic prospect cannot stand your little dog Daisy, or your sweet tabby cat Cherry.

That first conversation where you find out all of the important things about each other is the one where you work in your love for your pets and find out how he or she feels about animals. Ask if he or she has any pets and that’s all you’ll have to do to find out what you need to know. If the answer is positive, then you know that you’ll be able to pursue something wonderful with this person. Maybe there will be play dates in the future for your pets and theirs. It may even turn into a Brady Bunch with you, your new partner and your mixture of six dogs and cats.

It’s not only a pipe dream. It can turn into a reality as long as you meet the right person. If you love animals, there’s no need to even try forming a relationship with someone that doesn’t share your love for animals. Look for suitable partners at the vet’s office, pet shows and exercise parks for animals. That’s where you’ll find the love of your life.

Reinventing Yourself to Get Your Ex Back

Breaking up with someone, or them breaking up with you, can be one of the most devastatingly painful events in anyone’s life. There’s no getting around the fact that it hurts, especially if you’re the one that didn’t want it to end. Those relationship breakups that are mutual are actually quite rare, and, most likely, your breakup wasn’t one of these.

You’re probably lying around crying and moping and trying to figure out how to invent a time machine so that you can go back in time and have everything like it used to be. Don’t waste your time and energy on this. Instead, sit up, dry your eyes, wash off your face and get ready to work. You’re going to reinvent yourself so that you can entice your ex back into your arms.

Before you even ask, yes it IS possible to do this even if he’s with someone else. In fact, that’s even better because, then, you can look at her and see what sort of woman he’s left you for. Then take a good long look in the mirror and see what you need to do to make yourself new and improved.

A lot of people get sloppy and unkempt once they’ve been in a relationship for a while. It’s like they get too comfortable and forget to be sexy and attractive for their partner. This is a definite relationship killer. Even if your partner loves you, chances are that he’s not going to love seeing you sitting around with a green face mask on or wandering around the house with your hair unwashed and no makeup.

Do you need to lose a few pounds or simply tone up your body a bit? If so, put yourself on a healthy diet and start working out. That’s not as hard as it sounds, either. You can start off by walking or riding a bicycle, either real or stationary. Just get in some activity so that your muscles can tighten up.

Change your hairstyle and/or color. If you think back, he probably always said there was a color or style that he either liked on you or wanted to see you in. Take advantage of that knowledge and get it done. The next time he sets eyes on you, this will be the hair style and color that he sees.

Take a good look at your wardrobe. Get rid of those sloppy old clothes that, while comfortable, never really did anything flattering for you. If they’re not in your closet, you won’t be tempted to wear them. You can find comfortable lounging clothes that are also sexy and attractive. Your goal is to become well-dressed no matter what the occasion.

Learn to cook the favorite dishes that you never “had time” to mess with in the past. You can bet his new girlfriend is cooking for him often and offering dessert in a way you probably never did. This will have you ready for the first new dinner you cook for him.

All of this time you should have been cutting off all communication with him. Now that you’re ready, the new and improved you should make it a point to “run into him” at a place you know he’ll be. Dazzle him with the new you but don’t be too obvious.  After all, pursuit is half the fun so let him think HE’S winning YOU back.

For more coaching on how to get your ex back, The M3 System is a great resource – if you think you might need some additional help to succeed in getting your ex back, be sure to check out our M3 System review.

Bisexuality: Straddling the Fence

With heterosexuality being the “norm” when it comes to attraction and sexuality, second on the list would be gay and lesbian people that have bravely and confidently come out as being involved in an alternative lifestyle. There IS another group, however, that probably doesn’t get quite as much attention as the other two. That group is made up of bisexual people. These are individuals that are attracted to both men and women.

It’s a bit difficult to be a part of this group because there doesn’t seem to be any defining lines for it. If you’re heterosexual, or straight, then you’re attracted to people of the opposite sex as you. Gay people are attracted to people of the same sex as they are. Bisexuals, on the other hand, are attracted to both sexes no matter what they may be.

Oddly enough, bisexuals often have more trouble getting dates or meeting people for potential romantic relationships than either straight or gay people. One of the biggest concerns that people have with regards to dating bisexuals is the fear that a bisexual partner may leave at any time for someone of the opposite sex than their current partner. This may be true to a degree but when ANYONE is in a committed relationship, they’re not going to be looking for someone else to take up with. In other words, bisexual individuals are no more apt to leave a relationship than either a straight or gay person.

Many men find bisexual women very compelling because they have these visuals of two women  together sexually. They think that nothing could be hotter than dating a bisexual woman so they never consider the fact that these women are also normal. They don’t think about sex constantly. If they happen to meet someone of either sex that they’re attracted to, the difference is that they’re open to pursuing a relationship with that person.

If you happen to be bisexual and are trying to find someone exciting to date that will understand you, there ARE places that you can look that will land you a successful prospect or three. The internet is a great place to start. There you will find plenty of dating sites that cater to bisexual individuals. These are the sites that will allow you to pair up with someone that really understands you in a way that others never will.  One such site is, which is a large online dating community for gay, lesbian, and bisexual people of both sexes.

If you’re into things like Speed Dating, there are events that you can attend that target bisexual people. These can be a lot of fun and you can certainly meet some interesting people this way. If you’re really successful, you’ll meet one or two people that you find delightful.

Of course, there are always bars and nightclubs that you can go to in search of some entertainment. You can choose to go to either straight clubs or gay ones, depending on your mood. That’s the true beauty of being a bisexual person. You definitely do have many more choices when it comes to the world of dating, sex, and relationships. The best thing you can do is enjoy yourself and make the most of it.

Things You Shouldn’t Do After You’re Married

Most women agree that being single can be a great part of life. You have the freedom to do what you want when you want without having to answer to anyone. While marriage is usually a happy and blissful state of being, there are some boundaries and rules that come along with it.

Besides the obvious one of not having sex with other people, there are some other things you shouldn’t do once you’re married that are not as obvious. Have a look at some of them:

  • You can no longer get falling down drunk: This doesn’t look too hot on a single woman, but to do it when you’re married is totally inappropriate. There’s nothing classy about staggering out of a club while your two girlfriends try holding you up. Use your bachelorette party to tie on your last one.
  • Pajama parties with the girls are now out: When you’re single, it’s ok to stay out as late as you want with your girl pals. You can even have pajama parties when it’s too late to go home. When you’re married, you’ve got a husband and a house to take care of. Being out late with the girls should only happen for special events now. Besides, if you like being away from home and your husband that much, something’s wrong.
  • When you go out, leave the video model clothes at home: A married woman isn’t meant to appear skanky. She can be as sexy as she wants as long as it’s in a classy way.  She wants to make her husband proud, not make him her pimp.
  • Dinner dates with other men should be out: Even for business reasons, this is a bit inappropriate. If you need to meet for business or your best guy friend in the world wants some quality time with you, lunch is a better option.
  • No networking after 10PM: Everyone networks for professional reasons and it is fine for you to take part—up to a point. When the event turns social, it’s time for you to go home where you have a husband waiting.
  • Now you need to pay bills instead of splurge on shoes: When you’re single, it is fine for you to sacrifice things so you can have something that you really want. However, when you‘re married, it’s now “we” instead of “I.”  If you don’t pay your bills, it can have a negative effect on both you and your partner.
  • There’s little more that’s grosser than drinking from the carton: When you’re married, you’re most likely sharing the contents of that carton with your partner.
  • Start closing the bathroom door: There’s another person living with you now so you may want to keep some things private. If you’re both THAT comfortable with going to the bathroom with the door open, there’s nothing WRONG with it. It’s just kind of un-sexy. There really are some things that need to be done secretly and this is definitely one of them.

Consider that you’re married now and there’s a certain decorum that you’ll need to follow. It doesn’t make you boring but it should make you more mature.

Moping Around Over Your Ex Gets You Nowhere

The breakup of a relationship can be one of the most devastating experiences in anyone’s life. It’s painful and it’s hard to get over. You’re upset and hurt and may even feel that you’ll never meet anyone else again as long as you live. You mope around the house all day and night, crying and remembering all the special times you had together. Your friends and family members may be starting to avoid you if your depressing and negative mood is beginning to wear thin on them.

The first thing you’re going to have to do is snap out of it. Yes, this sounds a lot easier said than done, but if you spend all of your time and energy focusing on being depressed over the breakup or wishing and praying that you’ll get back together, you’ll never be able to move forward in your life. Before you start shaking your head, it’s imperative that you understand something. If your ex wanted the breakup, there was a reason for it. He may even already be involved with someone else. Whatever the reason, odds are against it being the passionate reunion scene that you’re probably playing out in your head over and over again. That’s not to say that it doesn’t happen in a small number of cases and in the movies. It’s just meant to jog you into reality.

While you don’t really want to jump into a rebound situation, there’s certainly no reason for you not to get out there and have some fun. The absolute worst thing you can do is to sit at home and dwell on how unhappy you are. There’s nothing to be gained from this at all. While you’re sitting at home and being depressed over something that isn’t going to be yours again, life is simply passing you by.

If you’re not out making a concerted effort to improve the circumstances of your romantic life, then you’re basically stomping your feet in a mud puddle. You’re not happy, but you’re not moving forward, either. There are things you need to be doing to help yourself feel better.

Go out with friends. You can even go out alone. Stay away from places that will remind you of your ex. Find some new places to love. Don’t keep listening to all of “your songs.”  Again, open the door to some new favorite music that won’t remind you of your ex. Get rid of pictures, letters, or gifts that are associated with your ex. If you don’t want to throw them away, at least pack them up, so they’re not in your sight any longer. You can also give them to a trusted friend to hold onto for them.

Make yourself do these things or you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life. Most likely your ex has moved on. You deserve to be able to do that as well and have a life. So please stop moping and move forward into a happier life.

Is Your Partner Reliable?

It seems that so many men these days just aren’t reliable, even when in a relationship. There are so many things now that work to distract them. For instance, more and more relationships are ending due to the amount of time that men spend playing video games or computer games. Then there’s the myriad of sports events that are covered by ESPN and if you’re with a sports fanatic, you may as well plan on being alone when the different seasons begin.

Unless you’re also a sports fanatic or love to play video games, you’re going to want to move in another direction because, for you, it’s going to be necessary to be in a relationship with someone that’s reliable. As hard as it may be to face, these types of men are rarely going to be reliable when it means that they’ll need to be away from their sports events or video games. That’s why you must pay close attention while you’re still in the early stages of dating.

A lot of men, in fact most of them, will not show tons of interest in the things that consume their lives otherwise after they first meet someone that they’re interested in. So, it will be up to you to spot whatever you can that tells you a bit about his life. If you spot every video game console made hanging around in his house, chances are that he didn’t buy them simply for decorations. You’ll probably find that he’s also got a pretty impressive collection of games for each of these consoles, too.

Something else you’ll probably want to check is what television channels that he subscribes to. If you see that his guide lists all of the ESPN channels, you’re probably dating a huge sports fanatic. He’s most likely just keeping this part of his personality under wraps until he has you sufficiently baited, hooked and reeled in. He’s probably had issues in other relationships because of all of the avid attachment to video games and sports. So he already knows that it’s going to be a problem.

If you see enough things that have you filled with questions, now is the time to ask those questions and get your answers. The last thing you want to do is get involved with someone that will stand you over in a corner while he spends all of his time slaying virtual dragons and pretending that he’s a football star. This type of man typically has you feeling alone more than anything else.

Think carefully before you get seriously involved with someone that will always let everything else get in the way of things you may need from him. You’ll spend a life of taking care of yourself when you’re sick, forgotten birthdays and anniversaries, and being stood up for important events in your life. It’s much easier to be with someone that’s actually involved in the relationship, too. This is someone that you’ll be able to count in to be there when you need him.

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